
Friday, April 3, 2015

My story

Welcome to Paleo in the city!

My name is Heather and I eat paleo. WHEW! not that's off my chest we can move on. LOL.

I had been on the heavy side my whole life everyone in my family was over 200lbs. I had seen a doctor about issues about my weight before I just could never lose weight and keep it off. She ran thyroid tests and PCOS. I was thankful she was taking me and my weight problems seriously. I was terrified it was PCOS. I want kids and if I couldn't I would be devastated. The test came back negative and I breathed a sigh of relief. Thyroid test came back low but not enough to treat with meds. The doctors suggestion was to join a gym eat right and really commit. So I did just that. I kept a food journal, calculated calorie intake, went to the gym 5 days a week for 1-4hours. Took great classes. Had fun with cardio and yoga. I gained 15lbs Of muscle lost 10lbs fat. Felt deprived, hungry and like an 80 year old lady. I gave up. Though 'hey, if working hard isn't going to work why not eat that hamburger'.

I was turned 29  a few weeks ago and I was still heavy. To top it off I felt like poop too. I needed a change. I thought to when I felt my best. When I was living at my mothers house eating paleo with her boyfriend. That day is when I started my paleo journey. I spent days looking further in to the lifestyle. I knew I hate the word diet. It means restriction, failure, depression. Lifestyle mean living in a sustainable way. Treat your body well, feed it real food and it will treat you well back. LOVE IT!! I started slooooooooow eliminate what I could control bread. I never denied it to myself just thought 'how will I feel if I eat that?' I now don't even want it. Same with cheese and dairy products. Sugar oh Mylanta I loved my soda and darn look at all the artificial stuff in the so called healthy alternatives. Oh my. Each journey starts with that first step.

So I started this blog to continue to keep on the path. To stay strong as I push forward. And you get to watch.

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