
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Whole 30 challange

I have a dangerous sugar addiction. Although I have natural sugar like honey and maple sugar or coconut sugar. I feel I use too much in my coffee and its a precursor to wanting chocolate or ice creams that aren't Paleo.

I want to brake this habit of self-distraction and try a whole 30 to really reset and thrive on Paleo. I decided June is going to be that month.

JUNE you say JUNE!! why? That's so far away! Why not NOW!
Well the list is like so:
  1. I'm starting in a new location at work so I want to be on the top of my game until I'm situated there
  2. At the start of the month I will be at a week long work project and lunch choices aren't up to the individual. So even though we usually get a salad the main lunch choice may not be strictly on point
  3. My best friend is coming to visit and our tradition is to go visit a restaurant that is unusual or off the beaten path. Last time we went to a traditional authentic Turkish place it was amazing but not truly Paleo.
So I wouldn't want to start and not be able to give 100% to the whole 30 plan. So June it is.

So if you want to join in or if you have completed a whole 30 before leave your comments below.

Stay healthy,

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Dinner lime and herb drumbsticks

One of my favorite cuts of chicken when I was a kid was the drumstick. When we had a family roast chicken yep those babys were mine and the family knew it.
Then as I grew up and took my place in the kitchen we as a family on a SAD stopped picking up bone in chicken and stared getting boneless chicken or store cooked chicken. The problem with the store bought chicken is that those drumsticks are so small and not worth the hassle and usually we would debone the whole bird before the table.
As an adult I would just skim past the pack of drumsticks at the grocery store and pick up the chicken breasts. Brainwashed me would think ' none of my recipes call for drumsticks only breast you can't switch the two'. Or even that's not enough chicken to fill up my family and who wants to pay for bones anyway.
Foolish mistake
You can use any chicken breast seasoning marinade on drumsticks with amazing results. I personally like to sear the drumsticks in a pan with coconut oil to get a nice crispy coat on them before putting them in the oven. It makes a huge difference. They come out so juicy and flavorful.
It really make a delicious dinner for any day of the week
So tonight's dinner pictured above is lime and herb drumsticks!
I haven perfected the recipe yet but keep on coming back soon I will post it if you guys are interested.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

My paleo plate

So here is my breakfast this morning.
Its based off a recipe from
 baked eggs with asparagus and leeks
There plate had bacon and I only had sausages so I made adjustments.
I also added green peppers, broccoli, and I also didn't bake my eggs I made the a bit over easy.
It was so fresh. Full of spring flavors.
I would suggest this to anyone.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Paleo Apple Pie Smoothie

So I sometimes have to work a night shift and I throws off my day like hella bad. I don't want to eat to early so I'm starving at work or to late so I'm not hungry come my brake. On top of that who wants to eat dinner at 10pm
The struggle is real.
So on those nights I tend to come home and have a smoothie. They are light easy to make and they satisfy my hunger through out the night.
To day I'm going to share my new favorite the apple pie smoothie.
Paleo Apple Pie Smoothie
  • 1 med. Apple cored, peeled, and sliced in to small bits
  • Hand full of frozen strawberries
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoons nutmeg
  • 2 Tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1-2 cups vanilla almond milk
This is the easy part blend all ingredients in blender until smooth.
Pour in to a glass and enjoy. You don't have to peel the apple if you don't want to but be warned the bits of peel do get stuck in your teeth.
I have a individual blender so this all fits nicely in my blend cup and make a little under 24 OZ. I tastes just like apple pie  just cold second day from the fridge lol.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Grocery shopping day!
As you know I look forward to this day all week. I plan all of my dinners during the week trolling thousands of recipes hundreds of paleo sites and blogs. I try to look for ones that I have most of the ingredients or can readily find then in the store.

Can I just say damn some of these recipes have some strange ingredients good lawd! Some are just incomplete recipes. WHAT? What do you mean only put the arrowroot in reserved liquid! then what tell me ! I gotta know!
My favorite is when the title says ''exciting Paleo meal'' and it had refined signer or rice in the ingredients.worst is when the picture has corn and its a popular Paleo web page. Good grief

Monday, April 13, 2015

depressed food day

Some days I just hate food. I hate the flavors the textures and the whole shebang. I can't seem to just enjoy what I have spent hours to put together. This is the sugar crave. I am hopelessly addicted to sugar. Grains and carbs are that's right sugar. They bring up your glucose, spike that blood sugar and its so addictive. Your body craves that high and its the biggest hump in any diet. I am currently hitting that wall. Nothing taste good right now nothing looks appetizing right now. I just want cookies or French Fry's and any substitution just doesn't cut it.

So I open the floor up to you. How hard have you hit that sugar wall? And how did you overcome?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

grocery shopping and freezing veggies

I LOVE grocery shopping!
Not a lot of people do but I love going to the store and getting leafy greens, eggs, so much healthy stuff. It makes me feel like this is all worth something....... a hundred dollars with of stuff. Lol
I also can't pass up a bargain. Veggies on sale I will end up getting more that I could possibly eat. My husband made a comment when I came in this afternoon ''oh great more veggies for you to throw out next week''. I wish I could slap him sometimes. First I try to make new recipes each week to avoid the boredom. Some are flat out bad but I can say I tried even though I throw most of it out. Second I most of the time cook just for me as no one else in the house is currently eating paleo. I cook to what the recipe intends but most of the time its a recipe for a family. I always eat for that night and lunch for the next days lunch. Unless its a dynamite meal or leftover night I usually won't eat it again.

So I do freeze veggies once I chop them up. Trick is to freeze in batches flat. I use my baking sheets lined with parchment paper. I would suggest a silicone mat but alas I don't have one but if you do go ahead and use it. Chop up those veggies and lay them flat on the sheet. Try to blot off any excess water. And put in your freezer in about a hour(for me an hour is enough your time may very) take them out and put in a freezer safe baggie. It works best with peppers, onion, broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, zucchini and squash. Then all you have to do it thaw and heat. Most you don't even have to thaw. It helps on those nights that you just don't have time to chop or just don't want to. Plus it keeps the grocery bill down a bit when some veggies are out of season.

Monday, April 6, 2015

My paleo plate

Here's my dinner for tonight/lunch fir tomorrow
Apple cinnamon maple pork with steamed broccoli.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Paleo chocolate smoothie


Paleo chocolate smoothie
This makes a fantastic paleo breakfast meal on the go! What I have learned in my Palo adventure is that there isn't much variation in breakfast foods. You got the incredible edible egg. But there is only so many ways to eat an egg and most of them don't travel well. So smoothies are a great alternative for those days your running late. I'm always running late.... I like sleep a lot.

Here we go with the recipe:
2 bananas
2 TBSP of unsweetened cocoa powder
2 TBSP honey (probably local raw honey)
1-2cups of unsweetened almond milk
*Dash of cinnamon*

Here comes the easy part. Put it all in a blender and BLEND.
If you want to decorate with a chocolate syrup with a Palo alternative just mix some cocoa powder with small amounts of water until its a syrupy state and drizzle over the top.

Friday, April 3, 2015

My story

Welcome to Paleo in the city!

My name is Heather and I eat paleo. WHEW! not that's off my chest we can move on. LOL.

I had been on the heavy side my whole life everyone in my family was over 200lbs. I had seen a doctor about issues about my weight before I just could never lose weight and keep it off. She ran thyroid tests and PCOS. I was thankful she was taking me and my weight problems seriously. I was terrified it was PCOS. I want kids and if I couldn't I would be devastated. The test came back negative and I breathed a sigh of relief. Thyroid test came back low but not enough to treat with meds. The doctors suggestion was to join a gym eat right and really commit. So I did just that. I kept a food journal, calculated calorie intake, went to the gym 5 days a week for 1-4hours. Took great classes. Had fun with cardio and yoga. I gained 15lbs Of muscle lost 10lbs fat. Felt deprived, hungry and like an 80 year old lady. I gave up. Though 'hey, if working hard isn't going to work why not eat that hamburger'.

I was turned 29  a few weeks ago and I was still heavy. To top it off I felt like poop too. I needed a change. I thought to when I felt my best. When I was living at my mothers house eating paleo with her boyfriend. That day is when I started my paleo journey. I spent days looking further in to the lifestyle. I knew I hate the word diet. It means restriction, failure, depression. Lifestyle mean living in a sustainable way. Treat your body well, feed it real food and it will treat you well back. LOVE IT!! I started slooooooooow eliminate what I could control bread. I never denied it to myself just thought 'how will I feel if I eat that?' I now don't even want it. Same with cheese and dairy products. Sugar oh Mylanta I loved my soda and darn look at all the artificial stuff in the so called healthy alternatives. Oh my. Each journey starts with that first step.

So I started this blog to continue to keep on the path. To stay strong as I push forward. And you get to watch.